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10 October 2000

Dear Hartleyite,

Our annual general meeting will be held on Saturday 11th
November 2000 at the Prabha Hall, 300-310 High Road 
Ilford, Essex IG1 1QW, commencing at 6.00 p.m.

I shall receive nominations for the year 2000 Executive 
Committee, and any amendments to the constitution at 
the above address until midnight, Saturday 29th October 
2000. **An official nomination form is enclosed for this 
purpose. Nominations received after the appointed date 
and time shall be disqualified.

Nominations are requested for the following posts;
A) President
B) Vice President
C) Secretary
D) Treasurer 
E) Sports Secretary
F) Four Committee members

Should you need any further details please do not hesitate
to contact me.

The annual dinner will be held on Saturday 11th November
2000 at the Prabha Hall, 300-310 High Road, Ilford, 
Essex IG1 1QW, is commencing reception at 7.30 p.m.
and dinner 8.30p.m. The adjoining council car parking
facilities will be available free of charge after 6.30 p.m.

Mr S Gunanayagam former an outstanding athlete of
Hartley College, and his wife are coming from United-
States, as our Chief Guests. 

The present committee has decided to make this as a 
historic event making it more affordable to all Hartleyites
by pricing the ticket at £12.50 for adults and £30.00 for
the family with two dependant children. 
This will be an informal gathering with adequate time to
socialise with our old friends and their families.
As rightly pointed by Mr Easwaramohan we will not miss
some flower arrangements to mark the tradition flavour. 

Format of the dinner will be our Sri Lankan buffet style
food with light entertainment and fewer speeches. 

Please contact any, executive office bearers or the
Committee members for tickets. 

Yours sincerely,

C Sithamparapillai

** Please contact office bearers for the nomination forms.

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