Message from the HCPPA-UK President
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November 2000.

It gives me great pleasure in submitting a brief report to the Newsletter to be issued on the eve of HCPPA (UK) annual dinner to mark the dawn of NEW MILLENIUM. I must admit that we had a slow start but when we took off we were on the fast track and using the latest super high way technology – website, emails etc.

Our first action is to announce to the members in a letter dated 3rd June 2000, under the caption “ BEING TOGETHER AGAIN “. We wanted to build a bridge between different generations. To put a side all the differences and make a fresh start for the new millennium as one big family of Hartleyites. We recognised that it is not possible for the association to function effectively, unless we have the co-operation and support of all the members of recent past and of many decades ago. We therefore started a membership drive and all the committee members helped to achieve this. I am pleased to report that during the current year we recruited more than 70 members.

In our first communication to the members, we committed ourselves as a model, adhering to the principles of democracy and accountability with openness. We are not only a listening association but also acting in accordance with wishes of the majority of our members. We therefore launched a new approach of seeking our members’ opinion by sending them a questionnaire on various aspects of the association including the format of the annual dinner. In accordance with the wishes and suggestions of the majority of our members and to prove that we not only listen but also act as well we changed the format of this year’s annual dinner- make it affordable, enjoyable, single, memorable - A family get- together devoid of formality but with the theme of “ let there be no differences”, come and see for yourself what a difference it makes

We had the sports day 2000 on 12th August 2000 with over 100 participants – children and adults participating in different events. Our chief guests were Dr and Mrs K.Sivalumaran (a past president). It was a grand success made possible due to untiring efforts of all committee members in particular the sports secretary.

We continue to receive whole hearted support from our vice patron Mr K.Poornampillai who celebrated the 90th birth day 30th October 1999, last millennium and would be celebrating his 91st birth day this millennium – what a momentous occasion. We hope and pray that he would score at least a Century.

Courtesy: The hartleyite (November 2000 issue)

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