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You can rest assured that your email address will be kept in the strictest confidence. Also, we will never publicly display your active email address on the HartleyCollege.org, ensuring your personal privacy.
Contact Person: Mr. Tharmalingam Muhunthan Principal
Hartley College
Tel: +94-212-260292 Email:
Postal Address: Hartley College
Point Pedro,
Sri Lanka.
-- Contact Information of Hartley College Global Webteam --
Hartley College Global Website was established in May 1998 as the follow-up of the initiative from the former HCPPA-Ottawa division. It was officially launched during the 10th Hartleyite Nite of HCPPA Canada & USA in Toronto, Canada on November 07, 1998 by your web team with the help of Hartleyites around the world.
The mission of the Hartley College Global Web is to promote and support the Hartley College, her students and her alumni, and to nurture the long standing ties of Hartleyites among them and with their Alma Mater by using the Internet on a global scale, in addition to function as an effective communication and information sharing tool among the College, her students and her alumni.
You shall send an E-mail to the Hartley College Global Web team the following email address:
You shall submit a feedback for Hartley College Global Webteam ...