May 2007
We would like to increase our membership base to include Europe. Consequently we are inviting all Hartleyites residing in UK & Europe, who are still not members of this Association to join the HCPPA (UK) and increase our membership base and effectiveness.
Our membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. And the subscription is still only £ 10 (or 16 euros). You could pay 5 years membership fees of £ 50.00 in one go. It will make our administration easier and you need not worry about paying the subscription for another 4 years.
Please contact the President or Secretary for any further details. We await anxiously to hear from you. We appreciate your help and understanding.
V jai Indiran
Hartley College PPA [UK]
Mem No H5-11-029
( Latest Membership Form:
| PDF | )