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| :: Mr. Ganeshan Ramachandran Passes Away
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from sources, which we believe reliable and accurate.
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Ganeshan Ramachandran, an old Hartleyite and a life member of HCPPA Canada branch died of a car accident on the
7th of January 2002. He was 41 years old. He is survived by his wife Janaki children Krishni and Mayuran and
parents Mr & Mrs. Ramachandran.
Ganeshan studied at Hartley College from 1972 to 1978. While at Hartley he excelled in Cricket and Athletics,
particularly Javelin. He competed in the all island under 17 and 19 athletic competition. He was an opening bowler
and a good middle order batsman with a flair for hitting sixes. After leaving Hartley College he studied Marine
Engineering in Sri Lanka and later graduated in the UK. He came to Canada in 1990 and Graduated as a Stationary
Engineer and worked at St. Augustine seminary.
Funeral arrangements will be held at Highland Greek Funeral Home, 3820 Sheppard Avenue East (Near Warden &
Sheppard Ave East intersection). Viewing time will be between 5.00 - 9.00 p.m. on Thursday & Friday. Funeral will be
held on Saturday morning between 7.30 - 8.30 a.m.
Info provided by Mr. V. Jeyaraman (905-787-0136)
Mr. Ganeshan Ramachandran's information in Hartley On-line Dbase.
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