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| :: Mrs. Sellammah Segarajasingam Passes Away
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Mrs. Sellammah Segarajasingham
Mrs. Sellammah Segarajasingham passed away at the age of 95 on the 28th December 2009 at 10am at Vallianantham, Thunalai. Funeral will be held on 31st December 2009 at Thunnalai.
Sellamah was the;
- Beloved wife of the Late Thamotharampillai Segarajasingham (Hartleyite, Jaffna).
- Mother of Shanthanayaki Rajendran, Vasanthanayaki Radhakrishnan and Segarajahsingham Nagarajah (Hartleyite, London).
- Mother-in-law of Rajendran, Radhakrishnan and Rathydevy Nagarajah.
- Grandmother of Rajendran Manoranchan (Hartleyite, Canada), Rajendran Sanjiv (Hartleyite, Colombo), Nirooshi Nagarajah, Nitharshi Nagarajah.
- Grandmother-in-law of Sivakanthi Manoranchan, Hamsananthi Sanjiv.
- Great Grandmother of Mathushani Manoranchan, Sanuja Manoranchan.
Contact Numbers:
Jaffna . 0094213737785 / 0094785200781
Colombo - 0094777571960
London . 00447952534037 / 00447508502542
Canada . 0014162696594
Please could you accept this obituary note.
Many thanks,
Kind Regards,
Nagarajah and Family.
Information was provided by Mr. Harri P Harrichandiran, HCPPA UK.
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