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| :: Mrs. Manchula Alvapillai Passes Away
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Mrs. Manchula Alvapillai passed away on May 7, 2006 in Johgernesberg (South Africa). Her husband Mr. Alvapillai Rajaratnam (1968 O/L batch), a famous Hartleyite who was residing in UK before settling down in Botswana. Mr. Alvapillai Rajaratnam is the son of Proctor Rajaratnam from Thambachetty, Point Pedro.
Date of death: 07th May 2006
Place of death: Johgernesberg (South Africa)
Place of Residence: Botswana
Place of Cremation: Botswana
Date of cremation: 14th May 2006
Address and phone number:
R. Alvapillai P/Bag F165 Francis Town, Botswana, Africa.
phone: Int.access +267-2410698
Email: alvapillai@gmail.com
Some information about Mrs. Manchula Alvapillai (as sent by HCPPA-UK):
- Names of Children: Janani (20 years) and Ramanan (11 years)
- Mother: Navaranee Shanmugaratnam (68 years old residing in Colombo)
- Father: Kathirithamby Shanmugaratnam (died in April 1978)
- Aunts: Lalitha Pararajasingam (residing in Sri Lanka) Dr Manohari Shanmuganathan (residing in England)
- Sister: Kalyani Sathananthan (residing in England)
- Dr. Kathirithamby Shanmuganathan (residing in England; past pupil of Hartley); father's brother
- Nadarasar Pararajasingam (residing in Colombo ex finance director of Ceylon Tobacco Company)
- Brother-in - Law: DR MUTHUKRISHNA Sathananthan (senior teaching consultant Genealogy Romford
Hospital Residing in England; Pat pupil of Hartley)
Information from:
Sinnathambi (Ghandi) Sivakumar (Canada)
R. Raveendralingam (HCPPA UK)
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